Thursday, February 17, 2011


This is actually good, however it seems this is back on the downfall with the new Congress, why would you want a country who knew less...understood less about the world and was so single issue focused.  I received an email earlier today titled "Why teachers drink" which honestly I did not even want to open, however I did and the first one struck me as ironic.  Many would argue that this was a silly answer to the question and the child should have known better, but many of those same people support creationist teachings.   The question was "Explain why phosphorus trichloride (PCI3) is polar."  The answer given was "God made it that way."  Really?  Prove it.  Since the question appears to be from a science related course and the answer is liked a set fact based on proven tests, the answer needs to be something that is concrete.  The answer of course is PCl3 has a trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry, and is, therefore, polar because the dipoles do not cancel.  While the email was meant to be funny, I found that part of it completely saddening.  I am not totally consumed with the idea of science and math being the end all, where I come from music and the arts have been something that one had to work a little harder to gain knowledge or skill in and was not always greatly provided in the school setting.  I often wish that expression and an interest in music and the arts was something that I would have had more encouragement in, but to fall so far behind in comparison to other countries in science and math when we are supposed to be a superpower is just horrid.

The downfall of education appears to be coming mainly from creationism, funding cuts, scandals...what else?

Another link, related but gets a little deeper into the reasoning of those who profess against science.’s-right-wing’s-ridiculous-anti-marriage-equality-arguments/politics/2010/06/29/11523

Thursday, February 3, 2011

okay, here goes bitches

Bill to exclude gay families

In an effort to self medicate when it comes to stress about issues that bother me from day to day, here is my first real blog post.  

Obviously the idea of excluding families based on their orientation is something that bothers me, but for Rep. LaVar Christensen to specifically say that "marriage and family predate all governments" is probably even more ignorant than the idea of excluding children and parents from resources that their tax dollars pay for just like everyone else.  And what about single mothers or fathers who have lost their spouses for any reason and just cannot afford life as they did before, they do not deserve help either?  

Is this what freedom is really about?  I guess I can at least talk about it and not fear any real backlash, but I am not sitting here judging is fat ass about anything concerning his marriage.  I guess he has been married so long that he cannot remember what it feels like to love someone, no matter the gender?  

Remember kids, "families anchored by both a father and a mother, fidelity within marriage, and enduring devotion to the covenants and responsibilities of marriage are the desired norm."  So, if you wish to be in the norm, follow all of Mr. Christensen's rules, and you too can share a fat bigoted existence with god

"One example may lie in a man's need for assurance as to paternity of his children. He might therefore be willing to pay a bride price or provide for a woman in exchange for exclusive sexual access."

a new start

Just getting something started here to see how it looks and then I will start complaining...which is really why I started this in the first place.