Thursday, February 3, 2011

okay, here goes bitches

Bill to exclude gay families

In an effort to self medicate when it comes to stress about issues that bother me from day to day, here is my first real blog post.  

Obviously the idea of excluding families based on their orientation is something that bothers me, but for Rep. LaVar Christensen to specifically say that "marriage and family predate all governments" is probably even more ignorant than the idea of excluding children and parents from resources that their tax dollars pay for just like everyone else.  And what about single mothers or fathers who have lost their spouses for any reason and just cannot afford life as they did before, they do not deserve help either?  

Is this what freedom is really about?  I guess I can at least talk about it and not fear any real backlash, but I am not sitting here judging is fat ass about anything concerning his marriage.  I guess he has been married so long that he cannot remember what it feels like to love someone, no matter the gender?  

Remember kids, "families anchored by both a father and a mother, fidelity within marriage, and enduring devotion to the covenants and responsibilities of marriage are the desired norm."  So, if you wish to be in the norm, follow all of Mr. Christensen's rules, and you too can share a fat bigoted existence with god

"One example may lie in a man's need for assurance as to paternity of his children. He might therefore be willing to pay a bride price or provide for a woman in exchange for exclusive sexual access."

1 comment:

  1. I expect that any day now Rep. LaVar Christensen will be caught in flagrante delicto!
